1. General Terms and Conditions of Use
These General Terms and Conditions outline, determine and regulate the use of the content and services of the www.regentov-kvart.si (hereinafter: “Website”). The Website is owned and managed by Lesnep d.o.o., Miklošičeva cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (hereinafter also: “Service Provider”).
All content on the Website is of an informative nature and is intended primarily to inform the user of the Website.
We reserve the right to change any part of the Website and to delete any part of the content without prior notice.
2. Users of the Website
A user is every natural and/or legal person who visits the Website and uses it in any way. Use is permitted to an indefinite number of users who accept the Service in the manner, under the terms and in accordance with these terms and conditions.
3. Intellectual property rights
The data and images on the Website are subject to copyright or other industrial property protection and are protected by the Copyright and Related Rights Act, the Industrial Property Act (ZIL-1) and other applicable legislation.
The content may not be reproduced, modified, transcribed, republished or disseminated without the prior written permission of the Service Provider.
4. Use of the content
Users use all published content at their own risk. The Service Provider will strive for the quality, correctness and currency of the data and information contained on the Website, but it will not be liable for any damage incurred by the user due to any wrong, incomplete, inaccessible or otherwise unsuitable data on the Website.
5. Access to the Website
We reserve the right to suspend access to the Website for technical reasons, maintenance and replacement of equipment without any prior notice to users. We do not guarantee access to the Website in the event of network outages or any outages, errors, other technical disruptions or interruptions in operation. We are also not liable for any damage or problems incurred by the user due to an interruption in the operation of or disrupted access to the Website.
6. Operating conditions
The websites to which the links on the Website point are not under our control and we are therefore not responsible for the information contained on the linked websites.
7. Personal data protection
The Service Provider undertakes to use and store all personal data of the users pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: “General Data Protection Regulation”).
The Service Provider may directly collect the information provided by the users when submitting the online form and/or subscribing to the e-newsletter to obtain informational offers. The Service Provider does not disclose this information to third parties, or it will disclose them to third parties only when the conditions of the Personal Data Protection Act, the General Data Protection Regulation and the Privacy Policy are met.
Submission of the online form for the transmission of personal data as well as subscription to the e-newsletter are secured and adequately technically or electronically protected.
8. Use of cookies
8.1. Legal basis
The basis for the notification is the amended Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette No. 109/2012; hereinafter ZEKom-1), which entered into force in early 2013. It introduced new rules regarding the use of cookies and similar technologies for storing information or accessing information stored on the user's computer or mobile device.
8.2. What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that are important for the operation of websites, mostly in order to make the user experience better.
A cookie usually contains a sequence of letters and numbers that is loaded on a user's computer when they visit a particular website. Each time you visit again, the website will obtain information about the loaded cookie and identify the user.
In addition to the user experience improvement feature, their purpose is different. Cookies can also be used to analyze behavior or to identify users. Therefore, we distinguish between different types of cookies
8.3. The types of cookies we use on this website
The cookies we use on this page follow the guidelines of the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia and the International Chamber of Commerce.
8.3.1. Essential cookies
These cookies allow the use of essential components for the proper functioning of the website. Without these cookies, the services you want to use on this website would not work properly (e.g. login, purchase process, ...).
8.3.2. Experienced cookies
These cookies collect data on how users behave on the website in order to improve the experiential component of the website (eg which parts of the website they visit most often). These cookies do not collect information that could be used to identify the user.
8.3.3. Functional cookies
These types of cookies allow the website to remember some of your settings and choices (e.g. username, language, region) and provide advanced, personalized features. These types of cookies can help you track your campaigns on the website.
8.3.4. Advertising or targeted cookies
These cookies are most commonly used by advertising and social networks (third parties) in order to show you more targeted ads, limit ad repetition, or measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. These types of cookies can help you track your online campaigns.
8.4. Cookie control
You decide to use cookies by yourself. You can always remove cookies and thus remove your visibility online. You can also set most browsers to not store cookies.
For information on individual browser options, we suggest looking at the settings.
9. Applicability of General Terms and Conditions of Use
These General Terms and Conditions of Use enter into force on the day they are published on the Website. These General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to all users of the Website and are fully binding. By using the Website, each Website user directly agrees with the content and use of the General Terms and Conditions of Use.
10. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions of Use
The Service Provider reserves the right to amend the General Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions of Use shall become effective on the day of publication on the Website, except where specified otherwise.
11. Final provisions
Any invalid provision or inability to enforce it shall not affect the validity of the other provisions and the validity of the General Terms and Conditions of Use as a whole. In the event of invalidity or inability to enforce a provision of these General Terms and Conditions of Use, the respective provision shall be replaced with an interpretation closest to the purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision.
The Service Provider and the user shall resolve any disputes relating to the use of the Website by mutual agreement. If this is not possible, the court with subject matter jurisdiction in Ljubljana shall have jurisdiction to resolve disputes. The law of the Republic of Slovenia shall apply in the event of a dispute.